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 LandMap Vivo 
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. OpenStreetMap
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Vivo - Background


"GPSur Vivo" is a technology to use online maps locally after disconnecting from internet.

In "LandMap Vivo" you may layunder aereal photos or road maps to each of your maps. You may load further aereal/satellite photos and roadmaps online and save them to the local Vivo-Cache. The Vivo-Manager is integrated part of the program.

without background roadmap as background aereal photo as background

No switch between different programs, all functions are integrated into "LandMap Vivo".

draw directly on the aereal photo same object without aereal background


Lacking background maps are loaded online by click on the button Vivo Manager.
The loaded maps stay on your computer even after disconnecting from internet.

The Vivo technology allows you even without a rapid broadband internet connection to load the online maps you need step by step and save them into your local cache. Once saved you don't need internet to display the new loaded background maps.

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